Kinetik - Digitally Integrated Healthcare Transportation Infrastructure


Kinetik, co-founded by CEO Sufian Chowdhury, is a health-tech startup that built the first digitally integrated healthcare transportation infrastructure in the nation. It connects health plans, members, health systems, and transportation providers. The startup offers products like Revenue Cycle Management, Trip Assistant, and Trip Scheduler, enhancing program transparency and improving care accessibility. Kinetik has secured $27M in funding.

Unique Aspect
Kinetik addresses the fragmentation in non-emergency medical transportation and offers solutions that enhance accessibility and transparency in healthcare transportation.

Approach to kick off
Chowdhury initiated Kinetik after identifying inefficiencies in non-emergency medical transportation billing during his work in Brooklyn. This insight led to the development of Kinetik's product line.
Business Model Viability
Kinetik's model, focusing on digitally integrating healthcare transportation, has substantial potential given the growing emphasis on healthcare accessibility and efficiency.

Future Projections
Series A launch planned for Q1, 2024
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $0

📈 MRR: $0

🚀 Startup Costs: $0

👥 Team Size: 1

🌍 Market: Healthcare Transportation

👨‍💻 Users: Healthcare transportation stakeholders

💰 Funding: Venture Capital

👨‍💼 Founders: Sufian Chowdhury