Celer - Innovative Athletic Training Brand

Athletic Product Development

Celer Ergonomics, led by Sarah Anderson, focuses on developing products like the RunCeler strap, designed to improve running form and reduce injuries.

Unique Aspect
Its flagship product, the RunCeler strap, is a unique resistance band that promotes better running mechanics and is worn over the sock and in the shoe.

Approach to kick off
Sarah leveraged her biomedical engineering background and personal experiences with running injuries to innovate and create Celer's products.
Business Model Viability
The combination of a unique product and a growing market for fitness and wellness solutions suggests a promising future for Celer.

Future Projections
Celer aims to expand its product portfolio within the athletic training domain and potentially into other injury-prone areas.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $30,000

📈 MRR: $2,500

🚀 Startup Costs: $14,500

👥 Team Size: 2

🌍 Market: Runners, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts

👨‍💻 Users:

💰 Funding: Self-funded, $15,000 from NYU Stern Ventures group

👨‍💼 Founders: Sarah Anderson