Ari Coach - Transformative Mindful Meal Planning App

Meal Planner App

Ari Coach, founded by Dianne L Chen, is a mindful meal planning app designed to simplify healthy eating. Initially targeting high-school and collegiate athletes, the app pivoted to focus on individuals looking to improve their relationship with food. Ari Coach offers dietitian-approved meal plans, catering to various dietary preferences and values. The app is currently in the beta phase, seeking user feedback to refine the product. Chen's vision is to support people at all stages of their health journey.

Unique Aspect
Focuses on mindful eating and sustainable healthy habits rather than calorie counting or restrictive diets.

Approach to kick off
Originally developed for athletes, the app pivoted to a broader audience, leveraging feedback from beta users to enhance user experience.
Business Model Viability
Given the increasing consumer focus on health and wellness, the business model has potential, especially with its unique approach to meal planning.

Future Projections
Plans to expand offerings and support for healthy eating across various stages of users' journeys, with potential full-time commitment from the founder.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $1,800

📈 MRR: $150

🚀 Startup Costs: $12,000

👥 Team Size: 1

🌍 Market: Individuals seeking a healthier relationship with food

👨‍💻 Users: Currently recruiting Beta users

💰 Funding: Privately funded, pre-revenue stage

👨‍💼 Founders: Dianne Chen