Really Simple Store - Ecommerce Platform for Quick, Hassle-free Selling

Ecommerce Platform

Really Simple Store, founded by Drew Thomas, is an ecommerce platform designed for individuals or small businesses wanting a straightforward solution for online selling. Launched in January 2019, the platform offers a quick setup process, enabling users to start selling in less than ten minutes. Despite modest monthly revenues, the platform has received positive feedback and is exploring the 'no code' angle for product expansion.

Unique Aspect
Focuses on simplicity and speed, allowing users to sell directly from social media or their own websites without the complexities of running a full-scale online business.

Approach to kick off
The initial concept was an ecommerce API for adding ecommerce to existing websites, which later pivoted to a full SaaS platform. The pivot included integrating a token economy as part of a proof of concept.
Business Model Viability
The model has potential in the niche market of simplified ecommerce solutions, especially for those looking to integrate selling into social media platforms.

Future Projections
Focus on expanding the 'no code' aspect and improving the product based on user feedback, with potential for gradual growth.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $1,200

📈 MRR: $100

🚀 Startup Costs: $0

👥 Team Size: 0

🌍 Market: Targeting individuals and small businesses looking for a simple online selling solution

💰 Funding: Self-funded, supported by independent consulting work

👨‍💼 Founders: Drew Thomas