Purpur - A Therapy-Game App to Develop Relationships Through Talking

Therapy and Relationship Communication App

Purpur, co-founded by Elena Zaharova and Anfisa Savchenko, is a therapy-game app that encourages open communication about relationships and sexuality. The app, based on their successful printed card game series, is designed to break the ice and provide a safe space for intimate discussions. With sales of their card games exceeding $300K and the app expected to hit $3K monthly revenue, Purpur has demonstrated a unique understanding of the importance of communication in sexual wellness.

Unique Aspect
Purpur stands out for its focus on communication as a cornerstone of sexual wellness, offering a unique approach to relationship development through game-based interaction.

Approach to kick off
The startup capitalized on the success of its printed card games to validate their market hypothesis and customer base, paving the way for the app's development and launch.
Business Model Viability
The business model, focusing on enhancing relationships through guided communication, demonstrates viability and potential for replication in similar niche markets.

Future Projections
Future plans include expanding the app's reach, especially in the US market, and possibly setting up US-based production for their printed games. The goal is to establish Purpur as a leading name in communication and relationship enhancement.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $36,000

📈 MRR: $3,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $7,000

👥 Team Size: 5

🌍 Market: Market for relationship and communication enhancement apps

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped with initial investment of $7,000 and later raised $220,000

👨‍💼 Founders: Elena Zaharova Anfisa Savchenko