OneTap - Revolutionizing Keyboard Interaction on iOS

Mobile App

OneTap is an innovative iOS keyboard assistant developed by AJ Picard. It offers enhanced functionalities like sharing photos, text phrases, links, files, and integrating ChatGPT, directly from the keyboard. Aimed at a diverse user base including content creators and business professionals, OneTap has generated over $700 in revenue with a Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) of $73 and no operational expenses.

Unique Aspect
OneTap transforms the traditional iOS keyboard into a multifunctional tool, enabling users to perform a variety of tasks without leaving their keyboard interface.

Approach to kick off
Business Model Viability
With a focus on minimal costs and organic growth strategies, OneTap's business model demonstrates sustainability and potential for profitability.

Future Projections
Plans to expand its user base, enhance marketing efforts, and explore potential co-founder opportunities in marketing. The aim is to significantly increase MRR and user engagement.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $864

📈 MRR: $72

🚀 Startup Costs: $500

👥 Team Size: 1

🌍 Market: Targeting Content Creators, Students, Founders, Venture Capitalists, and General iOS Users

👨‍💻 Users:

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped, with a focus on organic growth and minimal external funding

👨‍💼 Founders: AJ Picard