JustReachOut - PR SaaS Tool

PR SaaS (Software as a Service)

JustReachOut, founded by Dmitry Dragilev, is a PR tool designed to simplify PR research and strategy for startups and marketers. The platform was developed based on Dmitry's experiences in marketing and his need for a more efficient PR tool. It has grown impressively, reaching 5,000 users and $30K in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). The platform offers resources for developing PR campaigns, finding journalists, tracking outreach, and refining pitches.

Unique Aspect
JustReachOut distinguishes itself by focusing on easing the PR process for early-stage startups and marketers, offering tailored tools and guidance for successful PR campaigns.

Approach to kick off
Dmitry started selling JustReachOut to friends and acquaintances before launch, using feedback to refine the platform, focusing on practicality and ease-of-use for marketers new to PR.
Business Model Viability
The platform's business model, focusing on a niche yet essential aspect of marketing, demonstrates viability and relevance in the current market.

Future Projections
Plans to expand its reach, continuing to be a go-to solution for startups and marketers for PR strategies, with a potential 25% growth in the next quarter and 50% in the following year.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $564,000

📈 MRR: $47,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $2,500

👥 Team Size: 0

🌍 Market: Targeting startups and marketers, with a broad potential market in the PR space

👨‍💻 Users: 5000

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped, self-funded

👨‍💼 Founders: Dmitry Dragilev