Distro - Revolutionizing Remote Software Developer Hiring

Marketplace for Hiring Software Developers

$140,000 distro.io
Distro, led by Chad Ingram, is a platform enabling companies to find, hire, and pay software developers remotely. The platform caters to technology businesses with established products and funding for growth. Launched 8 months ago, Distro quickly reached $2 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR), indicating strong market demand and product-market fit. Distro offers a solution to the competitive and costly landscape of hiring software developers, positioning itself as a cost-effective and efficient alternative.

Unique Aspect
Distro uniquely addresses the challenge of costly and competitive software developer recruitment by offering a comprehensive marketplace for remote hiring, facilitating easier access to global talent.

Approach to kick off
The MVP was developed with a clear understanding of the problem, focusing on user stories for developers and customers. The strategy involved parallel development of a prototype and a simple process for early market entry, ensuring rapid feedback and product refinement.
Business Model Viability
Distro's model of streamlining the hiring process for software developers is highly relevant in today's tech-centric business environment, demonstrating viability and potential for scalability.

Future Projections
Plans include building a scalable marketing system and product iteration, with a focus on capital efficiency and targeting a $3.5 million ARR by the end of 2022.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $1,680,000

📈 MRR: $140,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $250,000

👥 Team Size: 5

🌍 Market: Targeting growing technology and tech-enabled businesses in need of scaling engineering teams

💰 Funding: Self-funded, initial investment of $250,000

👨‍💼 Founders: Chad Ingram