- Advanced Geoparsing and Geocoding API

Geoparsing and Geocoding API Service

Summary, founded by Ervin Ruci, is a geoparsing and geocoding API that provides advanced geolocation services to developers and businesses globally. Launched in 2016, it has evolved from a project focused on Canada and the US to a global service, now processing over a hundred million monthly API calls and generating over $15K per month in revenue. The growth of has been organic, driven by the increasing demand for reliable geolocation data in various applications, including IoT and data analytics.

Unique Aspect
Provides comprehensive geolocation solutions combining Natural Language Processing, Computational Geometry, and in-memory databases.

Approach to kick off
Began as a necessity for other projects, and then grew into a global API service based on open data and innovative geolocation techniques.
Business Model Viability
The business model, focused on providing essential geolocation services to a wide range of industries, demonstrates high viability and relevance in today's tech-driven world.

Future Projections
Plans to enhance features and expand collaboration with AWS, aiming to solidify its position in the geolocation API market.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $360,000

📈 MRR: $30,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $10

👥 Team Size: 2

🌍 Market: Targeting developers and businesses needing geolocation services worldwide

👨‍💻 Users: Thousands of daily users, over a hundred million monthly API calls

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped with minimal initial investment, revenue driven by service subscriptions

👨‍💼 Founders: Ervin Ruci