Citationsy - Simplifying Referencing with Online Citation Generation

Online Referencing Generator

Citationsy, founded by Cenk Dominic Özbakir in 2017, is an online referencing generator designed for ease of use, privacy, and speed. It was created as a response to the shutdown of RefMe, a citation tool Özbakir used during his university days. Citationsy offers over eight thousand referencing styles and has grown to over 200,000 users by February 2020, mainly through SEO and word-of-mouth.

Unique Aspect
Citationsy stands out for its simplicity, user-friendly interface, and a vast array of referencing styles, catering to a wide range of formatting requirements.

Approach to kick off
The development of Citationsy was driven by Özbakir's personal need for a user-friendly, efficient citation tool, leading to an intuitive product closely aligned with user requirements.
Business Model Viability
Citationsy's model, offering a free version with a premium upgrade, is viable in the educational tools market, especially given its low operational costs.

Future Projections
Plans to increase user base and conversion to paid versions, with a focus on improving SEO and exploring potential partnerships with educational institutions.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $6,000

📈 MRR: $500

🚀 Startup Costs: $5

👥 Team Size: 1

🌍 Market: Aimed at students, academics, and professionals in need of citation tools

👨‍💻 Users: Over 200,000

💰 Funding: Self-funded, bootstrapped from its inception

👨‍💼 Founders: Cenk Özbakir