Olidrel Hub - Tech Education for Empowerment in Nigeria

Tech Training Platform

Olidrel Hub, founded by Atoyebi Olawale Oluwaseyi and Bamidele Raphael Ponmile, aims to empower Nigerian youth by offering affordable tech training. The founders, both coming from challenging backgrounds, were motivated to assist others in overcoming similar obstacles. They focus on providing a variety of tech courses, emphasizing practical skills for remote work and freelancing. Starting with a waitlist approach and leveraging their community connections, they've grown the business organically, demonstrating the impact of targeted education in transforming lives.

Unique Aspect
Olidrel Hub differentiates itself by catering specifically to Nigerian youths, focusing on practical tech skills that enhance employability and remote work opportunities.

Approach to kick off
The launch strategy involved minimal initial investment, focusing on community engagement and word-of-mouth marketing, emphasizing the relevance of their courses in the local context.
Business Model Viability
The business model demonstrates viability by addressing the urgent need for tech education in Nigeria. Its success lies in tailored courses and community-centric marketing, a strategy that can be replicated in similar markets with local customization.

Future Projections
The founders aim to expand their reach within Nigeria, potentially growing into new regions and diversifying their course offerings.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $12,000

📈 MRR: $1,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $4,100

👥 Team Size: 4

🌍 Market: Young Nigerians Seeking Tech Skills

👨‍💻 Users: Young Nigerians seeking practical tech skills

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped with a $4.1K investment

👨‍💼 Founders: Atoyebi Oluwaseyi Bamidele Ponmile