Waitlist - Pre-Launch Viral Waitlist Software

Pre-Launch Referral Marketing

Waitlist is a pre-launch referral marketing platform designed to create viral loops for product launches. Launched in late 2020, the platform offers features like built-in referrals, email marketing, analytics, and leaderboards to help businesses leverage early customer engagement.

Unique Aspect
Waitlist stands out for its focus on pre-launch marketing with a referral mechanism, enabling businesses to generate buzz and gather sign-ups efficiently before a product launch.

Approach to kick off
Waitlist initiated its journey by targeting the niche of pre-launch marketing, addressing the specific need for building anticipation and validating demand for new products.
Business Model Viability
The business model is viable and attractive for startups looking to validate and build hype for their products in the pre-launch phase.

Future Projections
With the increasing number of startups and new products, Waitlist has a promising future in catering to pre-launch marketing needs.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $12,000

📈 MRR: $1,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $500

👥 Team Size: 1

🌍 Market: Broad, targeting startups and businesses in pre-launch phase

👨‍💻 Users: Businesses and startups in pre-launch phase

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped

👨‍💼 Founders: Maya Kyler