GummySearch - A Powerful Tool for Audience Research on Reddit

Reddit Search Engine and Audience Research Tool

GummySearch, created by Fed, is an audience research tool tailored for exploring and analyzing conversations within Reddit communities. Initially developed to promote another project, The Hive Index, it evolved into a standalone product. GummySearch allows startup founders and marketers to identify trending topics, validate business ideas, and engage with potential customers. In its first year, GummySearch achieved $60K in revenue. Fed's approach emphasizes continuous iteration based on user feedback and adapting to new use cases.

Unique Aspect
Specializes in advanced Reddit search capabilities and social listening, offering unique insights into community discussions.

Approach to kick off
Originally intended as a marketing tool for another project, it was adapted into a full-fledged product based on user demand and real-world application.
Business Model Viability
The model of providing specialized tools for social media and community analysis is scalable and replicable for other platforms.

Future Projections
Plans to expand services to cater to teams, agencies, and venture studios, and to develop a more advanced version of the product.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $12,000

📈 MRR: $1,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $3,500

👥 Team Size: 1

🌍 Market: Designed for startup founders, marketers, and researchers focusing on Reddit communities

👨‍💻 Users: Primarily early-stage founders and marketers

💰 Funding: Self-funded, bootstrapped

👨‍💼 Founders: Folio Fed