Scrupp - LinkedIn Lead Gen Tool - Fast, Accurate, Effortless

LinkedIn Data Scraping and Lead Generation

Scrupp is a Chrome extension that integrates with LinkedIn and LinkedIn Sales Navigator, designed to streamline LinkedIn lead generation. It automates the process of scraping profiles and extracting verified emails and other details for personalized outreach, capable of processing up to 2500 profiles at once.

Unique Aspect
Scrupp’s standout feature is its efficiency and accuracy in scraping LinkedIn profiles, providing a significant time-saving tool for professionals engaged in networking and sales.

Approach to kick off
Scrupp was developed to address the tedious and time-consuming process of LinkedIn lead generation, with a focus on simplifying and automating this task.
Business Model Viability
The business model seems viable, especially for those heavily reliant on LinkedIn for business development and sales.

Future Projections
Given LinkedIn's role in professional networking and sales, Scrupp has potential for growth, especially if it continues to innovate and stay ahead of LinkedIn's evolving platform.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $12,000

📈 MRR: $1,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $0

👥 Team Size: 2

🌍 Market: Targeting professionals and businesses using LinkedIn for networking and sales

👨‍💻 Users: Professionals and businesses using LinkedIn for lead generation

💰 Funding: 0