Scrapingdog - Powerful Web Scraping API for Efficient Data Extraction

Web Scraping API

Founded by Manthan Koolwal in India, Scrapingdog is a web scraping API service that enables users to extract data from websites with a single GET request. The service caters to diverse applications like price comparison, sentiment analysis, and lead generation. Alongside Scrapingdog, the company also offers MakCorps and FlightAPI for hotel rate shopping and flight pricing, respectively. The company boasts a revenue of $22K per month, with a focus on SEO-driven growth and customer engagement.

Unique Aspect
Scrapingdog stands out by offering a simple yet powerful solution for data scraping, which is crucial for businesses needing accurate and timely data extraction from various web sources.

Approach to kick off
Koolwal focused on MVP development with a modest budget, leveraging his skills in programming and SEO to launch and market the product effectively.
Business Model Viability
The business model, centered around providing a reliable and efficient web scraping service, has proven effective, with potential for further growth and diversification.

Future Projections
The company aims to continue growing its user base and revenue, focusing on SEO and customer-driven product development.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $264,000

📈 MRR: $22,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $300

👥 Team Size: 6

🌍 Market: Global market targeting various industries requiring data extraction

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped

👨‍💼 Founders: Manthan Koolwal