Bugfender - Remote Logging Tool That Scales

Mobile Application Debugging

Bugfender, founded by Jordi Giménez and his partners, is a tool that helps developers debug mobile applications by collecting logs from user devices globally. It evolved from an internal tool at Mobile Jazz to a product serving over 9,000 apps on 46 million devices, achieving $11,000 MRR in four years.

Unique Aspect
Bugfender offers remote access to users' device logs, providing a deeper insight into mobile app issues than traditional crash reporting tools.

Approach to kick off
Initially designed to solve internal debugging challenges at Mobile Jazz, Bugfender's development was fueled by real-world needs, leading to its evolution into a standalone product.
Business Model Viability
With a clear target market and a product that addresses a specific pain point in mobile app development, Bugfender's business model has proven successful and replicable in similar niches.

Future Projections
Given its current growth trajectory and expanding user base, Bugfender is likely to continue its upward trend in the mobile app development market.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $150,000

📈 MRR: $12,500

🚀 Startup Costs: $0

👥 Team Size: 9

🌍 Market: Targeting mobile application developers globally

👨‍💻 Users: 9000

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped with EU grant support of 100,000€

👨‍💼 Founders: Jordi Giménez Stefan Klumpp