Leave Me Alone - Email Unsubscribing Made Easy

Email Unsubscription Service

Leave Me Alone, founded by Danielle Johnson and her partner, is a service for unsubscribing from unwanted emails with ease. Launched in January 2019, it started as a solution to their own problem of managing overwhelming inboxes. The startup, part of the digital nomad and indie maker culture, emphasizes transparency and customer insight into the product development process.

Unique Aspect
Its unique aspect is the Open Startup approach, making all metrics public, and its focus on user privacy, differentiating from competitors that sell user data.

Approach to kick off
The startup began by solving the founders' own problem, leveraging their digital nomad lifestyle. They engaged with potential users early, even before coding, gathering feedback and building a community around their journey.
Business Model Viability
Given the general frustration with email overload, this solution-oriented business model has shown potential for success.

Future Projections
Aiming to become 'ramen profitable' at $2,000/month, focusing on direct sales and expanding beyond their current audience. Long-term goals include transforming email subscription management from reactive to proactive.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $120,000

📈 MRR: $10,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $750

👥 Team Size: 2

🌍 Market: Not specified, targets users with email overload

👨‍💻 Users: Over 10,000 users, with a conversion rate of 10% from signup to sale

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped, self-funded

👨‍💼 Founders: Danielle Johnson