LeadsBridge - All-in-One Lead Generation Platform

Lead Generation Software

LeadsBridge, co-founded by Stefan Des and Alessio, is a lead generation platform designed to help companies collect leads online and integrate with various CRMs. The startup, originating from a simple script interfacing with Facebook's API, grew into a substantial business with significant monthly revenue. Their journey highlights the importance of addressing specific market pain points, such as connecting Facebook Lead Ads to CRMs, and adapting marketing strategies to scale the business.

Unique Aspect
LeadsBridge distinguishes itself with its focus on solving a common problem for marketers - CRM integration with lead generation tools, particularly from social media platforms like Facebook.

Approach to kick off
The project began as a solution to a widespread issue in digital marketing, evolving from a basic MVP to a comprehensive platform, showing the potential of addressing targeted problems in a growing market.
Business Model Viability
LeadsBridge's model of providing a niche-focused solution for lead generation and CRM integration is proven to be successful and sustainable in the rapidly growing Martech industry.

Future Projections
Potential for continued growth in the Martech space, with possibilities for expansion and further integration with emerging digital marketing platforms.
Startup Stats

📊 ARR: $1,800,000

📈 MRR: $150,000

🚀 Startup Costs: $20,000

👥 Team Size: 5

🌍 Market: Targeting businesses and marketers in need of lead generation and CRM integration solutions

👨‍💻 Users: Small-medium businesses and enterprises in need of lead generation and CRM solutions

💰 Funding: Bootstrapped

👨‍💼 Founders: Stefan Des